Monday, October 1, 2012

3rd post

3rd post:

Discussion of the class as a whole. "Final paper."

What was your favorite module? What was your least favorite? Why did you like/dislike them? Which tools do you think you will use after this class? In what ways? (Consider this your "final" in the course.  Plan on at least 500 words, and really think deeply about this! Prove to me what you've learned and how you see it affecting your academics, your future career, and your personal life). 

2nd post

2nd post:

Discussion of Blogger experience.

Discuss any experience you had before this class (either writing or reading blogs), what you learned now, what you liked/disliked about Blogger and blogging in general, how it compared to wikis/HTML/WYSIWYG, etc. (Plan on at least 250 words)

1st post

1st post:

Topic of your choice.  

Don't forget to add in a link and an image!

click here for link

You can also add in a video that you create for 15 points extra credit.  Make sure you mention your name in the video.  

Here is a caption